Accounting and Auditing Profession

Accounting and Auditing Profession in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1399H/1979G up to date) (Dial Up , DSL)

The profession development products in the Kingdom were updated in several documents such as :

The ministry of Commerce in the KSA published in the second document ( page 135) and the third document (page 75) above a brief description concerning the profession development , we quote the following:

In mid 1399H (1979G) talks were held with HE The Deputy Minister of Commerce, Mr. Yousif Al-Hamdan, at that time, and Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Rashed (Founder of this firm). The subject was accounting environment, auditing profession and aspects of its development in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. At that time, the situation seemed critical and certain deficiencies in the profession were having a more serious impact on the economic and financial activities in the country than was actually recognized. The discussion concluded with an agreement on the necessity of taking practical measures to remedy such deficiencies and to develop the profession in a manner that would enable accountants and auditors to cope with the fundamental changes occurring in this field. Three months later, the profession concept was crystallized. Further discussions on this subject were held with HE The Minister of Commerce, Dr. Sulaiman Al-Saleem, and it was determined that the profession in Saudi Arabia was not keeping abreast with the changes taking place in the country. However, deficiencies were not clearly identified to allow designing effective solutions. A brief summary of deficiencies which have a general impact on the financial, commercial and economic activities, and also on the level of development of the profession itself being one of the fundamental activities of society is provided in this preface page (7, 8).

To assist the Ministry in taking decision for developing the profession, Al-Rashed firm, through its professional activity, formed a team from the firm, with the participation of Dr. Abdullah Al-Faisal from the Department of Accountancy at King Saud University, to conduct a preliminary survey in order to define the deficiencies. The survey was summarized in a memorandum which specifies deficiencies in the major areas of the profession.

The finding of the study was reviewed by the Ministry and was accepted as a suitable start for the development of the profession.

Al-Rashed firm was requested to prepare a study regarding a scope for development of the profession .This will serve the beneficiaries of its activities, taking into consideration requirements of the Kingdom’s environment.

The result was a comprehensive plan illustrating methods to be followed to develop the profession. This plan comprises the preparation of accounting and auditing standards and an internal organization of the profession which provides bases for its continuous development. The plan was discussed with concerned authorities at the Ministry and it was decided to develop the profession in three phases which are:

Phase I :

Conduct a comparative study of the profession in three different countries. The purpose of the study was to obtain information about the development of the profession in these countries to benefit from their expertise for development of the profession in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Ministry of Commerce commissioned Al-Rashed firm to start Phase I of the project after profound study of the proposed preliminary plan. Three countries were selected for this comparative study. To make the selection, nine different countries were identified and classified into three groups based on the extent of development of their profession, their economic environments and the ability to benefit from their experiences in developing the profession in the kingdom. The three groups were as follows:

The First Group : U.S.A, England and Canada

The Second Group: France, West Germany and Sweden

The Third Group: Tunisia, Venezuela and Brazil

Countries studied were U.S.A., West Germany and Tunisia.

This comparative study consisted of:

A detailed comparative study report on phase I results was submitted to the Ministry of Commerce. The report was discussed with Al-Rashed firm in a meeting attended by HE The Minister of Commerce, The Deputy Minister and other high ranking officials of the Ministry. In a subsequent discussion with the Ministry’s officials to determine the most suitable method of the implementation of phases II and III of the project, two options were considered which were:

Option One:

Combine phases two and three into one comprehensive study to develop the profession in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to cope with the developments in other areas within the kingdom and accommodate the best available practices of other developed countries. However, it was decided that combining the two phases would require a substantial amount of time including a field survey in order to specify the major beneficiaries from financial statements in the kingdom, the information required by them to make their decisions and the extent of the profession’s capability to provide such information.

Option Two

Implement phase two for the time being, especially the most immediate requirements for developing the profession, specifically, limit this phase to developing auditing standards, the internal organization of the profession, the code of professional ethics, the financial accounting conceptual framework, the general presentation and disclosure standard because the professional status in the kingdom requires immediate formation of the organization. The Ministry of Commerce chose option two and entrusted Al-Rashed firm to implement it. The contract was signed on 11/10/1402H.

Phase II :

This phase of the plan concentrated on the following aspects of the profession:

A- Method of Implementation:

Extensive research was conducted and a variety of methods were explored to determine the best approach for the implementation of this phase in order to arrive at recommendations suitable for dealing with the existing environment in the kingdom within a reasonable time frame and also to establish a basis for continuous development of the profession with the assistance of the professionals in the kingdom who are capable of following up such recommendations after being approved and developed. Due care and attention was taken to involve technical experts from the selected countries who had mastered the Arabic language, hereinafter called “the experts”, and highly qualified citizens professors and advisors who have great knowledge about Saudi Arabia, hereinafter called “the consultants”, were also invited to take part in the preparation and review of the recommendations of the experts.

Al-Rashed firm’s officials particularly Abdulaziz Al-Rashed and Yousif Al-Mobarak, hereinafter called “the in-charges” have extended all possible efforts and expertise to organize the work of both the experts and consultants and gave it top priority over all other work in Al-Rashed firm. Experts from other Arab countries, hereinafter called “the Arab experts”, were also asked to assist with one or more aspects of the project including Arabiciazation. It is worth noting that translation of all parts of the project from English into Arabic and vice versa was carried out by the experts themselves. The services of highly specialized accountants to help with the translation were sought but no avail from the viewpoint of time and quality. This was due to the special characteristics of the project’s components which required a through understanding of each statement within the context of the whole project, and not individually whether in any one paragraph or within other paragraphs. This had its impact on the cost and timing of the project.

The proper organization and coordination of work among the participants (experts, consultants, in-charges and Arab experts), has largely contributed to the achievement of the stated objectives of the project as regards quality, speed, comprehensiveness, suitability to the Kingdom’s circumstances and refraining from depending, without adequate study, on the experience of an individual country.

The project was divided into three major parts, each assigned to a team of experts and an advisor who also participated extensively in the project parts. Following is an overview of the method of implementation of the project which will help in interpreting the final results.

Section One: Selected subjects in financial accounting including:

These were handled by the following experts: Dr. Sabri Heakal, Dr. Mohammed Eid Mustafa and Dr. Abdul Rah man Al-Humaid as a consultant.

Section Two: Auditing standards, which cover: Planning auditing, control, recording, evidence, reporting standards and relevant executive procedures. These were handled by Mr. David Hatherly, Mr. Peter Skuze and Dr. Abdullah Al-Faisal as a consultant.

Section Three: Internal organization of the profession. This was handled by the following team members: Mr. Ivan Bull, Mr. Wallace Olson and Dr. Abdullah Al-Moneef as a consultant.

Phase III:

As mentioned, the Royal Decree No. M/12, dated 13/5/1412H was issued after the efforts made by the Ministry of Commerce in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ratified the CPAs law. Article 19 of this Act stipulates that the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants “SOCPA” shall be established as an organization and shall operate under the Ministry of Commerce to promote the accounting and auditing profession and all other allied subjects pertaining to development of this profession.

Accounting & Auditing Association for Islamic Institutions Organization (Formerly Financial Accounting Standards Islamic Banks and Institutions Association): (1407H/1987G – 1415H/1995G).

The financial accounting development products for Islamic banks and financial institutions revealed in several documents such as:

Accounting and Auditing Profession in the Gulf Cooperation Council “GCCs”

The products of development of the profession in the GCCs revealed in several documents. When you browse the website of Gulf Cooperation Council Accounting and Auditing organization “GCCAAO” you can find further details. These documents encompassed a summary dated 11/6/1424H (9/8/2003G) about the incorporation of the organization which states as follows:

Starting with accounting and auditing profession was a result of mutual effort among the GCC member countries, and the Higher Council. They approved in 1982G to open enrollment and license for professional firms such as accounting and auditing profession and give permission to practice the profession provided that they obtain the necessary registration and licensing requirements from citizens of the host country. This was followed by studies to develop the profession such as:

(1) Determination of objectives, (2) Definition of concepts, (3) study of accounting standards, (4) study of auditing standards, (5) set-up unified rules for internal organization of the accounting and auditing profession for the GCC.